Invasion by Drugs: The Ethics and Values of Enmity!
Iran wants to destroy our youth by drugs, not for money, but to occupy us.
by Hasan Ismaik
- Publisher – STRATEGIECS
- Release Date – Mar 26, 2022
In the face of the chaos prevailing and the problems afflicting in our Arab region. Some of which are due to internal reasons, mostly to the intrigues and conspiracies of regional parties that do not want the Arab states to enjoy their sovereign independence and societal stability. Today, the scourge of drugs (old and new) is emerging as one of the tools on which these parties are focused to impose more control and spread more chaos, which they are trying to impose. Although society is hardly of this scourge, the precautions that States usually take to combat it, both smuggling and abuse, place the problem at relatively low levels, allowing a great deal of seize and reduce its spread. However, what the Arab countries suffer from in this regard is much greater. Their authorities do not confront smugglers and pushers of aspiring individuals to get-rich-quick, nor gangs and organizations that are usually easy to set up after a period of surveillance and follow-up, but rather face a State, with its institutions, arms and weapons. It deliberately floods societies with large and persistent quantities of narcotic substances, and therefore make tight and long-term plans. Its objective is not limited to material profit. Its primary objective remains to exhaust States and destroy their societies economically, healthily and psychologically by focusing on harming the most important sources of power of these societies, specifically the youth.
Faced with this torrent of death, some States suffer more than others in facing death. Besides the work of States and their governments to protect their youth from the problems of addiction and abuse, there is a greater, more difficult and costlier task when these States are crossings of smuggling to other States. This may appear to be less apparent than the spread of addiction and abuse, but in depth it is more dangerous and more devastating. Smugglers often resort to crossing through “soft” states that cannot protect its borders, nor impose their authority on all of its territories. As criminal organizations become increasingly active on these territories, the societal peace of these states is threatened. Corruption spreads in their security and judicial institutions. Its economy deviates from the right development path towards consumption routes that drain State sources in combating crime, money-laundering problems, waste of manpower and the get-rich-quick of irresponsible groups, not to mention more serious, such as the recruitment of spies, paid criminals and mercenaries who facilitate the actions of these criminal organizations and remove obstacles to their activities.
In Iraq, for example, which suffers from all these scourges combined, Their effects have been exacerbated and their consequences complicated by the absence of political stability at the level of the legislative and executive state institutions, in addition to the weakness of national cohesion among the groups of society and the spread of ethnic, sectarian and clan neuro-culture, which is besides that an open arena for activities of these organizations and gangs, and an active crossing point for their smuggling. If you ask an Iraqi about the sources of financing and organizing these networks, he will often move his hand in short and hidden, pointing east. Iran is the source of most of the smuggling and the foster environment its operational managers and planners.
Away from the high-profile accusations of bias and prejudice, which they quickly turn to for free response to these facts, a quick look at the tables of the Organized Crime Index, which is a global table published in Arabic by the Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning. Incidentally, it is also an Iraqi center, to find that Iran occupied the position 6th globally, and second in Asia after Myanmar in order of countries according to the prevalence of organized crime in them. Iraq, it came in 8th place directly (and first in the Arab world, of course), with Afghanistan separating it from its arch-neighbor. Syria and Lebanon came in the 14th and 15th places, respectively. Libya is in the 20th place, and Yemen is in the 39th place, as its geographical location and regional neighborhood do not allow it to be a transit area for crime activities.
It is obvious that states that suffer crises of wars and economic decline, such as Iraq and Syria, the collapse of institutions and weak security and political, social and economic stability, constitute a fertile environment conducive to the prosperity and of criminal activities, including the drug trade and pushing it. However, if some States are to boast of their political and military power and progress and at the same time occupy a high global position in organized crime, this requires serious consideration of the depth of the connection between the political system and criminal organizations in these states, especially since the factor of state power is connected with the factor of the spread of crime in it in an inverse relationship, whenever one of the two parties increased the decrease of the other, but the direct correlation between the strength of the state and the strength of crime in it means that behind the corners is what is behind it.
Criminality as a weapon
Late last year, a report by Foreign Policy magazine revealed that Saudi society was systematically targeted by drug traffickers in Middle Eastern countries, especially those where militias such as Lebanon and Syria were active. This report was not the first of its kind, as it was preceded by several reports published over the past few years, which indicate that those countries that lack stability in all its forms, have turned into the largest producer and exporter of Captagon. Hardly a week passes without news of the seizure of shipments of narcotics worth billions of dollars, originating in Iraq, Syria or Lebanon... More precisely: the areas in which the Iranian regime has the upper hand, great mobility, and control over border crossings or internal areas that are excluded from the authorities of those countries.
It is no secret that Iranian activity associated with the manufacture, export and dissemination of drugs narcotics is not new, it dates back to the 1980s, and this activity has continued to range over the past millennium at levels that can be somewhat countered and reduced. However, since the period that followed the fall of the Iraqi regime and led to the exposure of the Arab borders with Iran, the pace of this activity has increased year after year, until it became clear that Tehran is relying on it today more to consolidate its hegemony and tighten its grip on the countries of the eastern Mediterranean, as it has always planned. It also reveals the widespread organization of this activity and the continued flow of it to its reliance on well-thought-out and long-term strategies aimed at subverting the Arab mind by corrupting its youth, taking advantage of the loss, fear and lack of confidence this group suffers in its future, especially in light of authorities and governments suffering crises, power struggles and quotas, or others are pervaded by corruption, whose members are only concerned with achieving personal gains, without paying any attention to the fate of the youth or providing them with real opportunities in education, work and creativity.
In the face of this deteriorating reality, Iran has spared no effort to achieve its far-reaching plans, and has proceeded to create and develop its tools, starting with the laying down of militias in the heart of the territory of several Arab States, and permanently financing, arming and supporting them, to expand and increase its strength and to ensure that its activities are protected, so that its presence becomes a reality, a political and military actor capable of imposing its influence in the capitals of several Arab States, as we see in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and others. Serious thought should be given to continuing to other capitals that are still resistant to the Iranian arms and their extensions, as in Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Egypt...
Tehran, which is waging a multi-tiered war, not only against its neighbors in the region, but also against the entire international community, is aware that the limits of its strategic power and its conventional weapon are not enough for it to continue in this war, nor to achieve the aspirations of its regime to join the World Great Powers Club. It is therefore natural to choose multiple fronts to fight through: Striving to acquire nuclear weapons with a view to changing the world situation on them and weakening the sovereignty of the States around with the aim of controlling them and bringing them into their sphere of influence, in addition to their possession of the codes of chaos and regional instability, and later international, through the deployment and support of militias under their command from outside their borders, and all of this will lead to the increase in the solidity of its position and the multiplicity of its cards of power at the "Vienna" negotiating table, which has reached the last moments in the current faltering period for years.
Sex as weapon, as well
Besides all kinds of armament that mentioned previously, what is “arguably” allowed and what is not, Iran has not hesitated to add another “soft” weapon to the system of power it uses to antagonize those around it. This very soft, never immoral weapon, is not related to the concept of soft power that is recognized in the political literature, the concept of soft power is well known in political literature, and which is based on culture, literature and the media, away from the violence of the traditional weapon, but depends on “Pleasure” and arousing instincts by promoting strange types of marriage among the youth and the younger generations.
The question that comes to mind here is how a strict theocracy like Iran can contribute to spreading the culture of pleasure in its subversive forms and sponsor this destructive activity? Its political motives and desire for hegemony must be stronger than what it claims to represent religiously. On the one hand, behind this behavior, besides the issue of hegemony and influence, there are many other objectives, foremost of which comes to achieving huge profits and saving money from what this illegal trade brings to it, especially in light of the difficult economic conditions it suffers from as a result of the sanctions imposed on it… On the other hand, it is known that what is difficult to control through weapons becomes easier by invading minds and destroying or ideologically them when necessary. Therefore, Iran deliberately targets the Arab youth group, to have come halfway towards imposing itself as a superpower in the Middle East.
Freud upside down
When an entire country leads an illegal trade such as drugs, or promotes types of heterosexual relations under the name of “marriage” with the sole intention of pleasure, and with politicized, directed and alien fatwas about the integrity of instinct and the purity of religions, and is not related to the formation of the family and the continuation of offspring, all of this cannot succeed spontaneously and arbitrarily, and it cannot achieve its intended objectives except through systematic planning and conscious implementation that aware the mysteries and secrets of human nature, and depends on the use of psychological sciences in order to control and corrupt societies, after these sciences are separated from their moral values system, which should determine the methods of their practical application, when these perverted applications of science become a means justified by the aims of the Iranian regime without any religious or humanitarian scruples.
In his study of disturbed behavior and psychopathology, the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud was able to develop a new theory in understanding human nature and explaining the origin and motives of human behavior. Freud concluded that the human soul is not a single, simple and coherent unit, but a complex of three parts, one of which is conscious, the Ego, and the other two are subconscious: the Id (desires and repressed fears) and the Super-ego (values and morals). Freud also argued that the roots of human behavior are not conscious at all, but are linked to the unconscious in most of them, and concluded that the sexual drive (or libido) occupies the most prominent and powerful position in guiding human behavior as the vital energy that drives human beings towards delight and pleasure in all its forms.
Since the libido originally and irrationally instinctive, Freud explained that man tends to suppress his unconscious needs either because of his awareness and his balance between the desires of the Id and the control of the Super-ego, or because of fear or compliance with the laws of society or moral and religious values. Because suppressing the libido does not negate its impact, the human beings satisfy their impulses of delight and pleasure in ways and means that do not conflict with values and morality, by escalating these impulses from the unconscious to the conscious, and substituting them in sublime and socially acceptable topics that do not conflict with religion and morals, such as literature, art, music...etc... Freud believes that it was this complex process that created human civilization as a whole.
So... unleashing pleasure and delight in their primitive form, and the accompanying demolition of social, moral and religious norms, will undoubtedly lead to the demolition of societies themselves. Once they have been corrupted from within and neutralize the system of values that control them, such as a sense of belonging, transcendence of selfishness and aspiration for the overall good and the public interest, replaced by selfishness and personal interest and behavior directed towards the greatest amount of individual pleasure and delight without scrutiny or control. This can only be achieved by facilitating and encouraging access to these delights and pleasures, and absenting the mind and disrupting its capabilities in trial and choice, whether through narcotics, or by planting ideas that help to separate young people from their societies, and replace their affiliation with their homelands with other narrow affiliations, sectarian, regional or ethnicity. In addition to dedicating everything that would help in this, such as spreading corruption and chaos in these societies, and disrupting the work of their governments from paying attention to the youth and taking care of them, so that they lose their faith in their future and their affiliation.
Of course, that is not what Freud wanted to say and discover, and he did not direct his effort to destroy societies, corrupt states and destroy the youth. He is only - as in every science - search for laws, principles and ideas that explain phenomena, and in the mechanisms that relatively controlled as far as possible. Although there is no bad aspect in the sciences, and this is always a holistic ruling, other than the bad and immoral aspect associated with employing the results of these sciences, diverting its course from human ends when they lack moral inclination. Thus, Freud’s results can be viewed as tools that enable man to understand himself, deal with his complex, and develop himself to bring out the best in him, or quite the opposite. When the understanding of human nature turns into a tool for controlling it, distracting it from what is best for it, and destroying its strengths and value system, and thus become a dangerous weapon against man.
Iran ... and all-out antagonism
In fact, the narration of these aforementioned tools is not just a theoretical presentation of what could happen, but a detailed and accurate explanation of what Iran, its proxies and agents, and its continuous plans towards our Arab countries have and are doing: spreading chaos here and there, inciting conflicts and polarizing affiliations and loyalties by spreading religious fanaticism and discrimination...etc. and the list goes on.
Iran is well aware of the loss and unemployment suffered by Arab youth and the neglect exercised by their governments. It is known that the first step in controlling your enemy is to know its weaknesses. Therefore, it has worked to create alternatives for these young people, either by pushing them to Shi’ism and affiliation with its militias in return for money, or by linking their fate to it and distracting them from building their homelands by controlling their minds with drugs and illegal sexual pleasure fueled by devices and bodies that disguise under the name of the “Islamic Republic” and behind its alleged religious guise.
Addressing this situation requires preparedness at the highest levels, from the preparation the citizen-man, preparing, educating and providing him with opportunities for a decent life, paying special attention to the youth group and what it represents as a fundamental basis in the future of any people and state, embracing this group and linking them to their homeland and its values by creating an affiliation based on understanding the needs of young people, supporting and giving them space in the various affairs of the country, and cutting off the road for every exploiter of their needs... The result for leaving them to be an easy prey in Iran's jaw and others will be great now and in the future.
This growing problem also requires intensifying international efforts to deter Iran and its militias, and to put an end to its use of drugs as a weapon in its battle with the world! In order to restore the legacy of the Persian Empire, as dreamed of by its leaders, the harshest sanctions must be imposed on it as a result of this destructive behavior, compounding the fact that they pose a threat to all and to chances of peace, stability and building the basis of civilization in the entire region, not only at the present time but also in the future.

Hasan Ismaik